We do not like to talk about detox diet, but we prefer the term detox nutrition, because diet is a word that immediately our mind combines sacrifice,
renunciation and little flavor.
So here’s how to deal with the summer heat with a detoxifying nutrition, with few sacrifices and good taste.
In summer as you know, it is essential to drink a lot of water and eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. Drink water, but also tea and herbal teas.
Off limit saturated fats and simple sugars, because they quickly raise blood sugar and then lower it just as quickly. So replace sugar with Stevia, which has a sweetening power 300 times higher than sugar, but has no calories and has no effect on blood sugar.
Herbal teas, water and lemon, or even a beautiful fruit salad, we sweeten everything with the extract of this magnificent plant!
And you don’t have to give up sweets, because Stevia is also great for making cakes, tarts and biscuits.